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Saturday, December 27, 2008:NS

wishing all the NS-boys out there, or going there, the best of luck =)

foolinlovebecame a mafia at 8:37 AM

Saturday, May 26, 2007:A Continuation

Continuing from Vivien's post, we didn't go pooling. Coz Yuemei and Zhang Ying didn't have home clothes. Kboxing was eliminated pretty quickly too as the price is simply too high and even philantropist Rong Bing couldn't sponsor us for Kboxing. So, we went to eat dinner together and after a while, Tianbo came. Then I became a battle of words between Tianbo and Yedi, erm... I mean a battle between the Indian and the pig head.
Anyway, after dinner, we went to this interesting place called Mind Cafe which is like the only entertainment place that does not prohibit people from wearing sch uniform to enter. The place was for people to play board games and other interesting intellectual games. We chose to play Telepath, where we had to pair up. Then, we will roll the dice to see if we were to describe a picture or a word. After that, we will pick a card and flip to the side according to what we roll on the dice. One side of the card has a word and the other side has a picture. Then, we will use a number of words to describe the word/picture. The number of words that your partner and you both have will be the number of squares that your counter will move on the playing board. Whoever reaches the end wins. The number of words that you can write to describe the word/picture depends on the square that you are on.
Okay, after using this whole chunk of words to describe this game, I must say that Gabriel and Zhang Ying have great telepathy. They reached the end at lightning fast speed while the other 3 pairs languished behind, while includes Yue Mei and I, Xing Cong and Lufei & Tianbo and Yedi (the inseparable enemies).
After an hr of mind-exhausting attempt to read our partner's mind, we came out of Mind Cafe and cam whored for a while. Now, someone can put the photos on the blog as I don't have them.

Dongzbecame a mafia at 6:23 PM

Friday, May 25, 2007:POTC

In a (misguided?) attempt to revive this bloody thing, I shall, on behalf of half the class, blog about the movie outing today.

Pirates of the Carribean! I never watched the first 2 movies, but Yiding gave me (and Jabez, who felt female/jelly today) a runthrough during Chem lecture beforehand so I caught up pretty quickly. It had a... very Hollywood-blockbuster-movie-ish feel to it. Lots of special effects and costumes, fancy fight scenes, and lots of unnatural, overly choreographed, contrived situations milked for laughs and drama. Typical Hollywood. But it's amusing enough, albeit a bit long. Jack Sparrow was funny. :) Although I get the feeling that he was more funny in POTC 1 or 2; I see the humourous potential of the character, but I don't think it was fully developed in this movie.

Anyway, after that we gave Mr Ong the card and present. I wanted to draw a demand and supply curve on the card, but no space. :( Then went to play pool. (I didn't go though, so perhaps someone else can fill us in on the details.)


vjlbecame a mafia at 9:16 AM

Tuesday, April 17, 2007:Randomness

Ok, I will post something since this blog is rather dead. The following was written in "The Newpaper" on Monday, 16 April (which is basically yesterday).

Useful phrase to use at work

1) Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by our unique point of view.
2) The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.
3) Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
4) I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.
5) I am already visualising the duct tape over your mouth.
6) I will alwaus cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
7) I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
8) I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
9) It might look like I'm doing nothing, but an the cellular level, I'm really quite busy.
10) At least I have a positive attitude about my destructive habits.
11) I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

Dongzbecame a mafia at 3:55 AM

Wednesday, April 4, 2007:Ha.

Alright, as Yiding sent out such an anguished cry for help, I'll pitch in with some bullshit I found.

Lame jokes!

1. 3 old men are at the doctor's for a memory test. The doctor says to the first old man, "What is three times three"? "274" was his reply. The doctor says to the second man "It's your turn. What is three times three"? "Tuesday," replies the second man. The doctor says to the third man, "OK, Your turn. What's three times three"? "Nine," says the third man. "That's great," says the doctor. "How did you get that"? "Simple," says the third man. "I subtracted 274 from Tuesday".

2. A little boy was visiting his grandmother and the young boy asked his grandmother, "Grandma, how old are you?" She replied, "You shouldn't ask me questions like that." A few minutes passed and the young boy asked his grandmother another question. "How much do you weigh?" The grandmother replied, "You shouldn't ask me questions like that!"

The following week when the little boy went back to school he told his friends about the coversation he had with his grandmother and how he was unable to get an answer from her. The little boy's friends advised him to look at her drivers license, as all the information will be there.

The next week when the little boy was visiting his grandmother he told her he knew how much she weighed and how old she was. The grandmother didn't believe him until he told her, "You weigh 130lb., and you are 65 years old." Then the little boy in a whispered to his grandmother, "I also know you got an F in Sex."

3. Lastly, check out the Weird Fortune Cookie Collection. Sheer idiocy.

Ok, that's all for now.


vjlbecame a mafia at 10:41 PM

Tuesday, April 3, 2007:Regarding Blog Name and Design

Since there are so many people spamming the tagboard regarding the name and design of this blog, I will hereby clarify that I am not a fan of mafia either. However, Ali was hurrying me to create a blog as he don't have time to create it himself. So, I was stoning in front of the com and the only thing that come to my mind that has a "m" in it is mafia (Sry, no million dollar man came to visit me). Hence, I just named this blog 08s06mafias. If you don't like mafias, then it's just too bad. Lol.

About the template, anyone that has a cool and interesting template can send it to me via msn or email. I will try to change it ASAP.


Dongzbecame a mafia at 3:04 AM

Sunday, March 25, 2007:Blog Skin: Continued

After trying for like 1 hr, I still cant get that html stuff rite. Hence, I decided to just throw away the prison break design and use this. Sry to those prison break fans.

Dongzbecame a mafia at 1:12 AM